Tulsa Karate’s Anti Bullying Campaign by Grandmaster Carter Hargrave
Learn more about our program. Click on the links below to download our anti bullying and stalking survival kit free of charge. This comprehensive program will take you step by step through the process; from identifying the problem to multiple solutions, all with a positive outcome. Developed for kids as well as for adults as stalking and bullying knows no age, sex, or race.
You will not find a program like this anywhere else, all developed by Carter Hargrave an expert in anti stalking and how to stop bullies, and the steps to get others including law enforcement involved. 
Grandmaster Carter Hargrave’s Kempo Karate and Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do the Kung Fu style developed by the legendary Bruce Lee.
Hargrave’s teacher was taught at Bruce Lee’s school in California, and Bruce Lee had no patience for bullying or being bullied. 

Open Carter Hargrave Anti Bullying Program Overview

Open Carter Hargrave Anti Bullying Program Form Instructions

Open Carter Hargrave Anti Bullying Program Forms


